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BLACKBIRD PIE is the immersive gaming experience of fine dining in a fantasy tavern.

With a five-course menu prepared by Chef Edward Khechemyan (whom Jonathan Gold exalted as “extraordinary with the best stuffed grape leaves [I’ve] ever tasted,”) this private supper club unfurls a jubilant storybook adventure with wine pairings to compliment.

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Feasting from a culinary tradition dating back to 6th century BC, guests have until the final course is served (by an assuredly trustworthy innkeep) to think, talk and toast their way through a deadly dinner game.

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This lavishly themed communal kings-table bacchanal features meat or vegetarian
and wine or juice blend concoctions. Intimate (with just twelve adventuring strangers
per seating) and highly collaborative, the experience lasts approximately 2 hours.

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Please visit our FAQ page or contact us.

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Though Blackbird Pie is named for the grand medieval banquet spectacle of “entremets
– in which eye-popping dishes blur with theatre – famously: “four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie,” no blackbirds are baked in the making of this show.

Questions? Potion allergies?
Please visit our FAQ page or contact us.

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